Top 10 things to know before retaking the IELTS test

The IELTS, or the International English Language Testing System, is a widely used assessment of English language proficiency for people who need to study or work in an English-speaking environment. It is jointly conducted by British Council and IDP. More than 3 million tests are taken each year in over 140 countries.

If you're planning on taking the IELTS again, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you retake the test. Here are the top 10 things to know before retaking the IELTS:

1. Know what score you need

It's critical to know what score you'll need to meet your objectives before you begin studying for your retake. Whether you're applying for a job that demands English proficiency or studying abroad, make sure you know what score is necessary and attempt to earn at least 0.5 higher than that. This will provide you with a safety net and help you attain your objective.

2. Understand why you didn't do well the first time around…

It's fruitless to take the IELTS again unless you first figure out why you failed the first time. Have you forgotten to prepare? Was there an area of the test that you struggled with? Is it possible that anxiety got the best of you?

Understanding why you didn't perform well, whatever the reason, can help you focus on your study and avoid making the same mistakes again.

For instance, if you got 15 out of 40 Reading questions wrong, try to self-evaluate the reason for getting these 15 questions wrong or seek assistance from an IELTS institute that could guide you better.

The quality of your writing is a reflection of the quality and quantity of your reading. To improve your Writing scores, read through as many 9 band essays as possible and adopt the best practices used in them.

3. Practice listening with 1.25-1.5x playback speed

Practicing hearing to listening to audios with a higher playback speed would help you grasp the contents of the listening better on the exam day. It is also advised to give more focus on the last 20 questions of each listening section as they tend to be tougher than the first ones.

4. Study smart, Not just Hard.

When studying for a retake, one of the most common mistakes students do is attempting to cram everything in at the last minute. This isn't a good approach to learning, and it might actually make you nervous on exam day. Instead, study periodically overtime to ensure that you remember the material. Use IELTS resources like practice tests and sample questions to get a feel for the sorts of questions you'll be asked on the exam.

5. Manage your time wisely on Test Day

Students frequently make the error of running out of time before completing one or more IELTS parts. Make sure you manage your time carefully on exam day so you can complete all four parts. Keep track of time with a watch and, if necessary, take rests between sections.

It's also crucial to pace yourself so you don't become overwhelmed; try not to devote too much time to any question or a section.

6. Be prepared for the Speaking Test

For many students, the speaking test is the most difficult component of the IELTS. It can, however, be one of the simpler portions of the test if you're prepared and know what to anticipate. Before the examination, make sure you practice your English conversation skills so you're comfortable speaking in front of an examiner.

Relax and take your time on test day; the examiner will be looking for fluency and coherence rather than speed.

7. Don't leave any questions blank.

Another common mistake students make is leaving questions blank on the listening, reading, and writing sections of the IELTS. Even if you're unsure of an answer, make a  guess – you may get lucky and get it right!

If you're running out of time, focus on answering the questions that are worth more points first so you can maximize your score.

8. Practice makes Perfect.

The best approach to preparing for the IELTS is to take as many practice tests as possible. This will assist you in becoming comfortable with the exam structure and learning how to effectively manage your time. It's also a perfect time to figure out what you need to improve before the big day. As much as possible, mimic test situations so you're fully prepared on test day.

9. Get plenty of rest before the Test

Probably, the most underrated advice. Make sure you have a full night's sleep before taking the IELTS; being well-rested will help you focus and do well on the exam. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before the exam since it will make it harder to concentrate. Instead, on the morning before the exam, drink lots of water and enjoy a nutritious meal.

10. Have Confidence in Yourself : )

When taking the IELTS, one of the most crucial things to remember is to have confidence in yourself. Always believe in yourself, no matter how many times you've taken the test. Relax and keep optimistic throughout the process, from studying for the retake to taking the true challenge - trust that your efforts will be rewarded in the end.

Following these tips can help you succeed whether you're taking the IELTS for the first time or retaking it. Simply remember to stay focused on your objectives, study consistently, and manage your time effectively on exam day and you'll be one step closer to achieving your English language objectives with the right amount of preparation and practice.

Published on May 8, 2022

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