So you passed IELTS. Now what?

If you've recently found out that you've passed the IELTS, Congratulations! This is a fantastic achievement and it's one that will open up many doors for you in terms of education and career prospects. So, what comes next?

In this article, we'll explore the steps that you need to take in order to turn your IELTS success into an offer from a university and eventually into a student visa. Keep reading to find out more!

Application to Universities

The first step after finding out that you've passed the IELTS is to start applying to universities. You can do this by visiting their websites and checking their requirements. Alternatively, there are many agencies which deal with university applications on behalf of students. These can be very helpful as they will have extensive knowledge about each university and they can advise you on which ones are most suited to your needs. You may also look for university rankings and other metrics of interest on websites like Webometrics.

The next step is to complete the application forms for the universities you have chosen to apply to. It's vital to give yourself plenty of time because this might be a drawn-out procedure. Prior to starting your form, be sure to check the deadlines since each university has a separate set of requirements.

It is also advised that you get in touch with University Alumni (Try LinkedIn) to learn more about living expenses and other necessities.

Receiving Offer Letter

The subsequent step after submitting your university application is to wait for a decision. Depending on the university, this might take a few weeks or even months. The university will send you an offer letter if your application is accepted. This letter will detail the course you have been given a spot in as well as any additional terms that may be associated with the offer (e.g. achieving a certain IELTS score).

Usually achieving certain IELTS scores come at the application stage, and if the student doesn’t have the required scores, universities may not issue offer letters (though there are exceptions).

Once you have received your offer letter, you need to decide whether or not you want to accept it. If you do decide to accept it, then congratulations - you're one step closer to studying abroad!

Applying for Education Loan

For many students, studying abroad is only possible with the aid of an education loan. If this is something that you require, then start researching different potential loan options as soon as possible as the application process can be quite lengthy. Before choosing a loan, it's crucial to examine them all in terms of interest rates and repayment schedules.

Once you've determined which loan best suits your requirements, fill out the application and attach any necessary paperwork. The lender will then review your application, and if you are accepted, they will send you the funds to cover your living and tuition costs.

You can check here for interest comparison on a Student Loan, from different banks.

Several banks offer school loans without needing collateral or security for loans up to a specific amount. Students who might not have the resources to present such collateral will benefit from this. You can visit here to know more about these loans and their legalities.

Completing Medicals Checks

Depending on which country you plan to study in, you may need to complete a medical examination. This is usually required for countries which have a risk of certain diseases (e.g. Yellow Fever) and it's important to check if this is a requirement before booking your flights. The medical examination will usually include a blood test and sometimes a chest x-ray.

You must submit the results of the medical examination to the university as part of the visa application procedure once you've finished it.

Tuition Fee Payment to University

Once you have received your offer letter from the university, you will need to pay your tuition fees in order to secure your place on the course. At the time of admission, the initial financial load could be a bit higher, relative to tuition fees for subsequent years, due to a few One-Time charges like Application fees, etc. The amount that you need to pay varies depending on the university and course that you have chosen but it's typically around $10,000 per year for an American Institution.

Usually, universities will give you multiple payment options such as paying in instalments or using a student loan. If you're paying for your own tuition, make sure you give the money enough time to clear before the start of the semester.

Writing an SOP

The next step in applying for your student visa is writing an SOP or Statement of Purpose.

A Statement of Purpose (SOP), often referred to as a research statement or a letter of intent, is a document written to the admissions committee that discusses your career path, interests, professional accomplishments, ambitions, and the inspiration for your choice of a specific school. Normally, this is submitted as an essay, however certain colleges may only accept question-based submissions. The most crucial component of your application, it determines whether you will be admitted to your selected college.

Since your SOP forms one of the most critical components of your application, it is necessary to ensure that it is effectively written and error-free.

Applying for a Visa

The final step in applying for your student visa is completing the online application form. This form asks for personal details such as your name, address and date of birth. You will also need to provide details about your university course, accommodation and financial arrangements. Once you have completed the form, pay the visa fee and book an appointment at a Visa Application Centre (VAC). At the VAC, you will need to submit all the required documents such as your passport, offer letter and biometric results. Once your application has been processed, you will be informed of the decision by post or email.

It's important to note that you should aim to apply for visas to specific countries as early as you can, as the processing time for visa appointments and approvals may be substantial.

Completing Biometrics

As part of the visa application process, you will need to provide your biometric information. This usually involves having your fingerprints and photograph taken at a designated centre. The biometric information is then used to create a unique identifier for you which is stored on the Visa database.

Booking your flight tickets

After you have received your student visa, the next step is to book your flights to your chosen country. It's important to make sure that you leave enough time before the start of term as this will give you time to settle in and get used to your new surroundings. Once you have booked your flights, all that's left to do is pack your bags and say goodbye!

Also, don’t forget to look out for student discounts! You may compare flight ticket prices offered by several airlines on websites like Google Flights and Sky Scanner. Several airlines also provide student discounts and additional luggage allowances, including Emirates and Vistara.

Saying Goodbyes : )

Leaving home to study abroad can be a daunting experience but it's also an exciting one. In order to make the most of your time overseas, it's important to be emotionally prepared as well before you go.  

In this article, we've outlined some of the key steps that you need to take in order from the University Applications and all the way through to booking your flight tickets. We wish you all the best in your studies abroad and many more successes!

Published on July 14, 2022

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